Friday, September 18, 2009

1st Time get DRUNK...~~~..!!!!

Guess what the 1st time
i get dunk on last few months
so la,sandih o gyla
At first,
the plan is go up2u only
go yamcha..
then suddenly.. they come
up with 1 idea to get
drunk that night/morning liao at sabby's hse..
since sabby's parents not around
bh... apa lgi,direct go to her house la

Soon we get there..
we  start to drink Vodka ( pure 1 )
the only way you can survive
is with lemon T.T
( if i'm not mistake^^'..)
The 1st person get wing2* liao
is my mummy SAM
WalaO.. if i flash back that
time arh.. really fuNny owh..
SAM start to say nonsense stuff ne..!@#$%^&*
( well only $%# yg know that*..)
HAhahha.. 20mins later,they
started to stop drinking..
well yg continue drinking
is only BABE and me..
(Hehe.. gAntung tue*...)
And last2.. both of us condemd liaO
Hahah.. i still remember on the way going home
i puke at the Security Guard's Hse Bev.Hills phase 2
Ahahaha.. disgusting of me *^^'
I planned not to going home at
that conditions... so Meli drove back go foh sang
 take me to Hajara (kdai kaling sna foh sang*...)
with anak c MArtin and Babe
goin eat something.. ( i think go breakfast tue*..)
Swt = =' ne,
we are the 1st customer in that kedai..
aftr that go to Library Arkib*
stay2 until 8am
then around 9.30am
i followed Marlon they all going home
Soon when i reached home
my Brother that just came back from
Singapore asked me to accompany him
go shopping at 1Borneo..= ='
Waaa... so tired Owh
Sial i didn't even get to sleep ..

C kOngkurat pndi2 p candid

Malon and Meli ( still fresh ne..)

Guess what i'm doin..??